Gavin Cho, Director of Development

Jennie Pierson, Administrative Assistant

Donna Martley, Bookkeeper


Brenda Etterbeek, Chair

Jen Lorigo, Vice Chair

Lloyd Umali, Treasurer

Amy Kamm, Secretary

Caroline Solberg, Grants & Giving Chair

Michelle Duarte, Marketing Chair

Charlene Walters, Director

Erin Clendenin, Director

Ana Connell, Director

Linda Rosen, Director

Johnathon Pimentel, Director

Chris Jaszkowiak, Director


Since 2020, dedicated community members and parents have come together to champion arts and general educational excellence across Burbank’s TK-12 public schools. The Burbank Arts & Education Foundation (BAEF) has become a vital force, best known for its teacher-directed grants that empower educators, staff, and administrators to drive innovation and enhance learning experiences throughout the city’s schools.

Board members help shape BAEF’s efforts to maximize its impact in BUSD schools. If you’re interested in joining our Board of Directors, please fill out the Board of Directors application.

Please direct any questions regarding the board to Gavin Cho, BAEF’s Director of Development at gavincho@burbankartsanded.org.