Grant Program FAQ

How much funding can be requested per application?
We offer two options. There is an application for grants up to $500, and another application for grants from $501 to $5,000. There is no designated minimum request amount.

What’s the difference between the applications for up to $500, and up to $5,000?
The application is simpler for requests under $500 and applicants are not required to complete a final report if they don’t want to.

What grade levels do you fund?
The Foundation funds BUSD grades Transitional Kindergarten through 12th grade.

Who may apply for funding?
Foundation grants are for the benefit of Burbank Unified School District students and can be applied for by BUSD Principals, BUSD Credentialed Classroom Teachers, BUSD PTA Presidents/Chairs and BUSD Fundraising Committee Chairs. Applications are not accepted from teaching artists or any individual that may directly benefit or be paid by the funding. However, a school site representative may apply for funding to bring a specific teaching artist or program to campus.

Can I save my application while I’m working on it and return later?
You can keep the application form open in a tab, but once you close the tab, it is not saved. To view a copy of the full application for planning purposes click HERE for the grant application up to $500 and HERE for the grant application up to $5,000

What if I forgot something or need to change something? Can I correct it?
Yes. Please contact the Burbank Arts & Education Foundation office at (818) 729-5593 or and ask them to add the information to your application.

Who can help me with my application?
Please look at Helpful Resources for suggestions of who might be most helpful with specific questions. General questions about the grants process can be answered by contacting the Foundation office at (818) 729-5593 or

Can a team of teachers apply for both grants?
Any teacher or group of teachers can apply for a grant. Please only apply to one of the grants, either up to $500 or up to $5,000 for a specific project.

Is there a limit on the number of grants awarded per school site?

I can’t get my documents uploaded what do I do?
Please contact the Foundation office right away at (818) 729-5593 or

I’m having problems with Google Forms. Who can I ask for help?
Please contact the Foundation office right away at (818) 729-5593 or

Can we apply for a grant twice in a calendar year?
Yes. You may apply for different programs, or the same program if a final report has been submitted for the previous grant. 

Can I apply for more than one grant?
Yes, for different programs.

Can I apply for a new grant if a final report has not been submitted from a prior grant?
All grantees are required to submit a Final Report for any awarded grants from $501 to $5,000. Grantees have one year to produce their project/program. Once your project is complete, you then have 60 days to complete the final report.  Failure to submit the final report will result in ineligibility to apply for future funds.

Can I take items funded by a grant to my new school if I change schools?
Items purchased with BAEF grant funds should stay at the BUSD school for which the grant was written. If the teacher moves to another BUSD school and the items are not going to be used at the original school, the teacher may take the items to the new BUSD school only if their original Principal agrees and the new Principal agrees to have that project take place at the new BUSD school. Items cannot leave the Burbank Unified School District.

How are funding decisions made?
Grant applications are first reviewed by the Foundation for accuracy. A panel of Foundation board members, invited guests, and BUSD representatives will review applications and make recommendations for funding. The panel’s recommendations will then be presented to the Foundation’s Board of Directors for final approval. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their request within 45 days after the submission deadline.

Does the number of students impacted by the grant matter?
The grant panel does consider impact, but all features of the application will be taken into consideration. 

Do you fund after-school programs or activities?
The Burbank Arts & Education Foundation offers grants for applications for curricular programs in BUSD.  This includes any BUSD class in which a student receives a grade. Extra-curricular or needs that do not fall during class time and the school day cannot be considered at this time.

Do you fund field trips?
The Foundation does not consider requests for the cost of busing or transportation for field trips or off-campus activities. We will consider funding requests for the cost of the off-campus activity as long as it meets all other criteria.

Does the Foundation fund on-campus murals?
Yes, we do. However, all murals and designs must have the prior approval of the Board of Education and approval from the Facilities Department.

Does the Foundation fund changes, improvements, or additions to campus facilities?
Yes. If your proposal involves anything that affects facilities – lighting equipment, murals, on-campus construction, etc. – you will need to get a signature from the Director of Facilities.

Director of Facilities - Dennis Maxwell
(818) 729-4400 x45506

What can we use the grants for?
Funds may be used for programs, outside providers, or teaching artists, supplies, books, materials, or equipment. Grants can be used for any subject.  Grants may also address mental health and wellness programs for students during the school day. Please note, applications that reflect diversity, equity, and inclusion are encouraged.

What does “applications that reflect diversity, equity, and inclusion are encouraged” mean?
In alignment with BUSD priorities, the Foundation supports diversity, equity, and inclusion. We’ve found this definition from the Ford Foundation to be helpful:

“Diversity is the representation of all our varied identities and differences (race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, tribe, caste, socio-economic status, thinking and communication styles, etc.), collectively and as individuals. We seek to proactively engage, understand, and draw on a variety of perspectives. We believe that the solution to the problems we hope to address through our grant making can be found by affirming our similarities, as well as by finding value in our differences.

Equity seeks to ensure fair treatment, equality of opportunity, and fairness in access to information and resources for all. We believe this is only possible in an environment built on respect and dignity.

Inclusion builds a culture of belonging by actively inviting the contribution and participation of all people. We believe every person’s voice adds value, and we strive to create balance in the face of power differences. We believe that no one person can or should be called upon to represent an entire community.”

If we want to start a new program at our school, will you fund that? Or, if we had a program a few years ago but couldn't fund it, can we bring it back or is it considered a new program?
The School District is developing an approval process for new programming.

If you have specific questions about the eligibility of your application, please speak first with your principal. For additional questions:

For elementary school proposals, please contact:
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services - Dr. Peter Knapik
(818) 729-4400 x44482

For middle and high school proposals, please contact:
Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Services - Dr. Linda Junge
(818) 729-4400 x44451

What type of file can we submit for the budget?
You may upload an Excel file, word document, or pdf of your budget. Please see the BUDGET TEMPLATE.

Where do I find the signature page to sign and attach to the application?
The Signature Page Form can be found here to be uploaded with your grant application. Please download and edit on your home computer/device or make a copy and fill it out on Google Docs. It may also be printed, signed, and then scanned. The grant application form will accept your completed Signature Page Form as a PDF, doc, docx, or image upload.

What if I can’t get original signatures for the Signature Page Form?
Applications without proper signatures will not be processed. All signatures must be original. If an original signature is not possible, please send an email or written explanation and approval from the required signatory.

Who is required to submit a Final Report?
Final reports are required for grants from $501 to $5,000. Grants of $500 or less do not require a final report.

What is the deadline for the Spring 2024 Grant Cycle?
March 8, 2024, at 4:30 pm.

Can I reapply with the same project if I don’t get a grant this cycle?
Yes. We recommend that the applicant contact the Foundation to discuss why it wasn’t funded before applying again.

Will someone tell me why I didn’t get a grant and how to improve my chances?
Yes. We encourage applicants to request feedback. Please contact the Foundation at (818) 729-5593 or to schedule a follow-up.

Do you have any questions that weren’t answered here?
Please contact the Foundation at (818) 729-5593 or