Featuring Tara Sohi
Remarkable! Resilient! Revolutionary!
The Burbank Arts & Education Foundation is proud to highlight students in the CLASS OF 2021 who have been part of the robust STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) programs in the Burbank Unified School District classrooms. We hope you enjoy reading about their experiences and getting to know them as we celebrate an important milestone in their lives: high school graduation.
Today, we present to you Tara Sohi, who attends John Burroughs High School and will soon be heading to Santa Monica College with a plan to transfer to UCLA to study Human Biology.
“All healthcare workers inspire me, especially right now as they risk their lives to aid those in need during this worldwide pandemic, which is very courageous of them.”
Tara Sohi with her Teen of the Year volunteer award from Providence St. Joseph Medical Center
My name is Tara Sohi. I am 18 years old and am about to graduate from John Burroughs High School.
What science or math experiences in BUSD impacted your future goals?
Science has always been my favorite subject. From a young age, the human body has always fascinated me and I knew I wanted a career in medicine, so classes that I have taken like anatomy definitely inspired my future goals. Even though Ms. Gillett’s Sports Medicine class was online, she made learning experiences fun and intriguing for me. I wanted to use the knowledge that I acquired from all my science teachers at JBHS and take it to a new level. I was able to pursue my two passions of medicine and helping people by becoming a hospital volunteer. When I turned the required age of 16, I immediately signed up to be a hospital volunteer at Providence Saint Joseph Hospital, as it was the chance for me to get comfortable being around medical professionals, learn more about human biology, and experience patient care. Volunteering at the hospital has taught me many valuable lessons, such as people skills and being comfortable with sick patients.
Through my years of volunteering, I have built many connections with staff and patients. This brings a smile to my face because it makes me feel like I am making a difference. Every year the hospital volunteer program has a banquet to recognize their volunteers. There is only one person honored each year out of the thousands of volunteers at the hospital for being Teen of the Year, and I was humbled to be the one chosen to receive the award. My 200 plus hours of volunteering and dedicating time towards supporting the hospital staff and patients was recognized. I felt proud knowing all my hard work and building connections with people not only helped others but helped me further my interest in human biology and medicine. My pride at being recognized for my hard work while caring for patients is a moment I will never forget at the hospital.
Who or what inspires you?
I have to say that all healthcare workers inspire me, especially right now as they risk their lives to aid those in need during this worldwide pandemic, which is very courageous of them.
If you have an artistic passion, through what medium do you most like to express yourself?
I have always had a passion for art, especially painting. I love watercolor painting because it is so intriguing how intense or how minimally you can make the paint flow on canvas. I like to explore other mediums of art such as chalk pastel. Although it is a messy form of art when mixing and blending colors, the end result is truly worth it. When it comes to painting, landscapes are my favorite to paint. Art is a hobby that I will always have and continue to enjoy.
What advice do you have for younger students?
Some advice I would give to younger students is to always seize opportunities. Don’t be afraid to do something even if you think you will fail. You never know unless you try. Put yourself out there in the world because there are many opportunities out there waiting for you. I would also say to explore your passions and be involved in your community. Being a part of a team or club is one of the best things to do because you meet new people and build connections with others.
What is the most important thing you’ve learned during this pivotal, history-making pandemic?
During the pandemic I have learned to always push forward and don’t give up. Being cooped up at home really takes a toll on your body as you lose motivation for certain things. I wasn’t able to experience my senior year with all the amazing events like homecoming and prom, but I didn’t let that bring me down. I kept on moving forward through the year acing my classes to now be graduating with the Class of 2021.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In ten years I see myself as a successful physician assistant in either dermatology or orthopedics. Science has always been and will always be a part of my life. Science is evolving every day and medicine is changing constantly. I am excited to see what the future holds and what adventures I will encounter along the way to my desired career of being a physician assistant.
JOIN US to celebrate the REMARKABLE, RESILIENT, and REVOLUTIONARY Class of 2021. Donate today to support their legacy for future students.