Party for the Arts Update


Dear Friends,

As the COVID-19 pandemic is requiring all of us to make significant changes in our lives, we wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you and remain so very grateful that you are part of our Burbank Arts for All Foundation community.

We are all swiftly adapting to the demands of the day – upping our handwashing game, taking care not to touch our faces, and learning the incredible importance of “social distancing.” This is especially hard for those of us who are arts and education advocates: we hug, we join hands, we march forward together. Yet, as the public health authorities tell us, there is no better way to slow the spread of COVID-19 than to avoid large gatherings and stay home for the foreseeable future.

In light of these unforeseen challenges, the Foundation has decided to postpone our Party for the Arts event. We thank those supporters who have already ordered tickets or made sponsorship donations and you will remain on our event attendee list; and all will be notified as soon as we set our new event date.

The arts have the power to teach, transform, and heal us – especially during difficult and uncertain times. Moving forward, we continue to look for ways to support Burbank’s students. We are working with our partners at the Burbank Unified School District to identify ways we can support their important work, and we remain committed to supporting our community’s students through creativity and artistic endeavors. We are currently compiling helpful virtual resources for parents and teachers that we will soon share on our website and social media platforms. Please stay tuned for more in the coming days.

We are confident that we will overcome whatever obstacles COVID-19 puts in our path, and together we will continue to move this important work forward in support of the generous, vibrant, creative and inclusive community of Burbank. We are thankful for your support and cannot wait to see all of you again soon.

Be well and take care!

Burbank Arts for All Foundation


COVID-19 Update


CLASS OF 2020: Featuring Nic Skrabak. Creative! Committed! Courageous!